Sunday, August 28, 2011

Never too much of a good thing

In which we try to watch a lot of Doctor Who in a row.
Alex- who’s house it was and blog this is.
Celeste- who has an alarming but useful skill for unlocking Alex’s windows
Shona- Celeste’s friend. Non-Whovian. Down for the weekend being exposed to our wild social life.
Rachel- very ill.
Emma- slightly less ill.
Liv- not ill at all.

2:55pm- Go to shops and buy a pumpkin, two packets of jammie dodgers and the new Frankie. Am total hipster.
3:09pm- My front door bites my sonic screwdriver off my keys. No idea how to get it back on. The hell door?
3:54pm- Starting to think I shouldn’t cut up this pumpkin until there’s someone in the vicinity qualified in first aid.
4:01pm- Have minor celebration after cutting pumpkin in half without causing myself serious injury.
4:23pm- Others arrive. Proceed to sit around kitchen while I make pie.
5:38pm- Celeste is trying to reattach my screwdriver my soldering it. She is soldering it with a match.
5:52pm- Against all odds and using my kitchen scissors, Celeste re-attaches screwdriver.
7:28pm- TARDIS pie made, lounge folded out. Now to try and make the HDMI cable work.
7:35pm- Guess what? Its doesn’t work. Look at my astonishment.
7:47pm- We try to plug a USB into my DVR. It just says, and I quote, “Format noSupport.” I swear at it.
8:01pm- Now watching the episodes on Celeste’s laptop with my CD player plugged in via the AUX cable. Not ideal but I’ve got from episode four on my DVR.
8:03pm- Emma chooses this moment to inform us she just borrowed the DVDs from the library and could have bought them. Collective facepalm.

8:12pm- The Doctor has just gone back in time.
Shona-“Is he the kid.”
Celeste- “Yes. The kid is Dumbledore.”
8:25pm- Enter super sexy Kasran.
Alex- “And you can never look at Micheal Gambon quite the same way ever again.”
8:33pm- Shona obviously getting emotional involved.
8:38pm- Shona- “That’s quite a kiss.”
9:16pm- End warm honey and magic. Begin confusion and mind bendy-ness.

9:24pm- Trying to work out the timelines. So this Doctor is at the same point as this River but River is beyond the other Doctor as of…oh god my head hurts.
9:25pm- He’s not 1003. He can’t be.
9:27pm- Watching The Doctor die is actually worse after seeing the rest of the series. Almost believe its real now.
9:28pm- When the Astronaut is going back into the water River says “of course not.” Why? What does that mean?
*THEORY INTERLUDE- it can’t be River in the spacesuit. Because the River in the spacesuit would have to be BEFORE the River on the beach chronologically. Which means that the River on the beach would know what’s going on and I really don’t think she does.* 
9:33pm- JIM THE FISH
9:37pm- Rachel has just got glasses to correct moderate to severe blindness
Rachel-“Have I mentioned how much better this is now that I can see his face?”
9:39pm- The genius of Moffat is that this is better now. Richer, deeper, more complex. How is that possible?
9:45pm- River must know. This is River’s childhood. The little girl IS River. River must know.
9:54pm- Alex Kingston is BLOWING MY MIND.
9:59pm- They’re in the warehouse-
Amy-“I’m pregnant.”
Astronaut child-*enters*
Alex-“speak of the devil”

10:05pm- The Silence seems to be fairly tied up with the Astronaut child. Who we now know is River. Who is tied up with the eye patch woman…its all linked.
10:11pm- Discussing whether The Doctor knows there’s something wrong with Amy at this point.
Celeste-“Amelia you’re not quiet right.”
Rachel-“You’re made of yoghurt.”
The Doctor- “They got the spacesuit from NASA but where’d they get the girl?”
10:21pm- Creepy orphanage guy says-“The child she must be cared for. Its important. That’s what they said.” Who are they?
10:24pm- Further discussion on Silence vs. Eye patch Woman.
Alex-“Is it possible she was kidnapped from her kidnappers?”
Celeste- “Its like a double negative. It messes with the brain.”
10:28pm- Trust Moffat to put all the mind bendy stuff in the FIRST TWO EPISODES.
The Doctor-“Tell me about the girl? Who is she? Why is she important? What is she for?”
10:41pm- When Rory’s watching River shot The Silence she says- “My old fella didn’t see that did he? He gets ever so cross?” First time ‘round I thought she meant The Doctor.
10:42pm- RIVER PLOT POINT ALERT- “I have a promise to live up to.”

11:13pm- Lee Ross comes on screen. I’ve just introduced Rachel to Press Gang.
Rachel- “Kenny!”
Alex- “Shhh! Celeste! Kenny’s face is on the screen! You’ll understand when you’re older.”
11:22pm- The plot holes. God the painful glaring plot holes. The unrealised potential of this episode hurts!
11:25pm- *gurblegarblegaah* What’s that? The sound of me drowning in cliches?
11:30pm- And the Kenny is gone. Why is the Kenny gone?
11:45pm- On Amy's resuscitation technique-
Celeste-"You're doing it wrong!"
Rachel-"She is so doing it wrong."
Alex-"You'd think The Doctor would be qualified to do this kind of thing. Or have a machine or something."
12:02am- Tired but determined. We’re halfway and its only midnight. *giggles in vaguely hysterical fashion*.

12:06am- We’ve just switched to the TV. The annoying pre-credit sequence wasn’t on the “perfectly legal” BBC versions we’ve been watching. Which means its only on the international version of the show. I call bullshit.
12:12am- On the genius casting of Idris-
Alex- “She’s sexy but she’s not…sexy. You couldn’t cast someone like Karen Gillian.”
Rachel- “A total knockout. No. It wouldn’t work.”
Alex- “Exactly.”
Rachel- “She’s sexy like bowties are sexy.”
12:32am- After Amy looses Rory in the TARDIS for the umpteenth time-
Celeste-“This time stay together!”
Alex-“Hold hands even!”
Celeste-“You are married! You’re allowed to do that!”
Rachel-(vaguely scandalised)“In public?!”
12:35am- Amy sticks her hand in the ood beard.
Celeste-“There should be some kind of rule about touching oods in their dangley bits. Oh that sounds bad.”
Rachel- “It probably is bad. She just groped an ood.”

12:48am- Rachel is pretty seriously ill. Exhibit A-
Rachel-“This is a pretty good way to spend an evening.”
Alex-“You’re quiet sick.”
Rachel- “This afternoon I had a shower and then I had to have a nap to recover.”
12:50am- Celeste is off doing something. Get bored of waiting.
Alex- “We started without you in the interest of going to bed before dawn.”
12:56am- When Amy works into the room with the flesh-
Rachel- “Family reunion!”
Alex- “I don’t think all the yoghurt is related.”
1:06am- Still conscious. Barely.

1:36am- Six down. Two to go. I think Rachel and I are the only ones who are fully conscious and she’s slightly feverish. Like she’s shivering. It’s a bit alarming.
1:40am- The logical part of my brain is telling me to watch the last two in the morning. That part of my brain has lost the argument.
1:49am- Doctor Who makes me a bit of an apathetic bitch. There are people in my house trying to sleep. I’m being a very bad host.
2:00am- Remember you are yoghurt and to yoghurt you shall return.
2:10am- There’s a little part of my brain that switches on at about 2am. Its sole purpose is to yell at me thus- WHY ARE YOU STILL AWAKE ALEX! YOU ARE STILL AWAKE! PLEASE STOP BEING AWAKE IMMEDIATELY!
2:17AM- Down to communicating via small emotive noises. And single sentences.
2:27am- Defeated by my DVR. BRB-passing out.

Basically what happened was this. I thought I had A Good Man Goes to War recorded. It didn’t record. We could have watched it on Celeste’s laptop but it’s password protected and she was pretty unconscious by that stage. So we admitted defeat.

3:50pm- At Rachel’s place. Her and I are about to watch the last episode on her laptop.
3:55pm- Rachel still slightly feverish. Me exhausted.
4:01pm- I still believe Doctor Who is the sure for all ills. Having said that Rachel could also do with some serious drugs.
4:05pm- During the battle scene with the Sontaran nurse-
Alex- “Nice bit of gratuitous gravel quarry.”
4:07pm- We decided that Rory going to see River in the Storm Cage must be pretty early in her timeline. Possibly the first time she’s met Rory.
Rachel-“This is so nice. She just wants to tell her father what she did for her birthday.”
4:20pm- Rory hands the baby to Amy-
Rory- “Mrs Williams.”
Rachel- “Mrs Pond.”
Alex- “I wonder what it says on the marriage certificate.”
4:31pm- Awkward Doctor sexy talk is awkward.
4:31pm- On Melody Pond-
Alex-“Its such a cute baby. Look at it. Cute.”
Rachel- “It’s a-*voice breaks.* It’s a-*voice breaks.*”
Alex- “Its Amy and Rory’s baby so it has to be cute?”
Rachel- (croakily) “That’s what I was getting at.”
4:45pm- Both of us are so exhausted from the effort of that emotion we need to make a significant nap.

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