
On the weird off chance you've managed to find your way here without coming via my main blog, let me direct you back there. Adventures in TV-Land chronicles my adventure in the world of television. Yes, that's right I don't spent all my time watching TV, sometimes I work there too. The reason I have two separate blogs and not one schizophrenic one is that TV-Land seems to come across the desk of proper important type people. Its on my CV. And I'm not sure that crazy fan-girl is the image I want to project straight away.

If you'd like your fan girling in picture form, I have a Tumblr. Its kind of like this blog but with less words and more content produced by other people. I know there are a lot of days when I’d rather just look at pictures. We’re that kind of generation really.

And seeing as how you've read this far down you might even be interested in my most absurd internet venture. Its a Tumblr dedicated to Matt Smith's socks. You may judge me at your leisure.