Friday, March 18, 2011

Being Human

Being Human represents a big gapping hole in this blog.

So far its only representation is a paragraph of me looking forward to it. Well guess what? It has arrived.

I’d love more people to watch Being Human. Being Human is seriously underrated. Thing is, I’d challenge anyone to have come in at the beginning of series three and not be totally put off by the whole thing.
This show is dark. And it looks like its going to get a hell of a lot darker.

In case you remain entirely in the dark about the whole thing let me get you up to speed. Being Human is a drama series created by Toby Whithouse. It is the only show I know who’s plot runs like a bad joke- a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost live in a house together…
I think that has a lot to answer for. Word of mouth tends to fall on its face when conversations run like this-
“You should watch this great show.”
“Oh really? What’s it about?
“So there’s a vampire and a werewolf and a ghost.”
It defies description.

In a world awash with “supernatural romance” this is something different. Its clever and witty and sexy and dark. There’s a lot of tension and a fair whack of horror. But it’s also hysterically funny at times. And sweet and touching and romantic. How can one show, especially one with such an unlikely premise, achieve all that?
Honestly? I don’t know.

I’ve written essays about this show. Literally. I studied it as part of Belonging for the HSC. I could tell you all sorts of things about technique. About the way the outside of the house and the inside never touch- you see both but never at the same time, not even through a window.

Is there a point to this rant? I’m sure there was when I started. Can’t remember what it was now…something about how hard I ship Annie and Michael? Or how bitter sweet and wonderful the first episode of series three was? A rant wondering what the hell happened with Herik and all that blood and snow at the end of series two? Or was I going to tell you about the nightmares that train scene gave me? And how I had being trying to forget it ever happened? Maybe I just wanted to say how desperately I want them all to be ok. To live (I use the word quite loosely here) and love and transform peacefully in the basement on full moons and not kill any more attractive young women (there’s quite enough floating around with personal vendettas to be getting on with).

That’s right. I remember what it was now. I wanted to convince you to start at the beginning. Go out and find series one. I discover all these things for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Have trolled the network and acquired Being Human. As soon as I finish True Blood (give me another week or so) I'll begin.
