Friday, January 21, 2011

Ashes to Ashes- now that's a bit more like it

Now that, THAT was a bit more like it.

I probably won’t regale you with my musing on Ashes every single week but I think episode two warrants a mention. I was hoping that the series would suck me in again, what I wasn’t excepting was the terrifying speed and furry with which it would do so. I mean that episode?! That episode was like a slap in the face.

Ashes, to me, can be summed up by something I once posted on Twitter-
Ashes to Ashes- the best sexual tension on television and some of the best hair.
Gene and Alex are such a ridiculously unlikely pairing. No one, during Life on Mars, would have guessed Gene Hunt could be put forward in the way that Ashes portrays him. He’s softer, wittier and, very occasionally, even sort of sexy. Take last night when he and Alex were sitting across his desk filling out their dating agency forms. The scene could have groaned with sexual tension but instead it portrayed the subtle, unspoken understanding they have. Which was a lot more powerful.

Now, because you guys gave me permission to, allow me to speculate. If you’ve cheated and seen more of the series *coughcoughBECCAMARSHcough* then you can simply go and do something else. In fact, I insist. 

Something happened. Seriously, there’s something in all this that we’re missing. More happened while Alex was gone than episode one would lead us to believe.

-Why did Shaz and Chris break up (except to cause me serious emotional distress that is)? They were getting married and now they’re not even together? And Chris so obviously still loves her.  

-Screwdrivers. Something happened involving Shaz and a screwdriver and I think only Gene knows the full story. She freaked out when the builder put a screwdriver on her desk and when she was mobbed by those guys it wasn’t the knives that made her run away. There’s something in this, and I’m slightly afraid to find out what it is.

- There’s a bigger reason Shaz wanted to leave. The heartbreaking scene in the kitchen with guv was laced with undertones of something terrifying and unspoken 
And after this no more.

-Right at the end when Gene promised Shaz promotion, the camera did a weird zoomy thing and everything went sort of black. At first I was slightly confused by the out of character cinematography and then I noticed what the soundtrack was doing. Over that moment they played one line-
The girl with the mousy hair…
And you know what song that’s from? 
Life on Mars. 

So I think Shaz is somehow involved in what happened to Sam. I think its safe to say that the man with the half-face disfigurement isn’t Sam. Unless of course they’ve decided to replace John Simm with a particularly terrible body double and hope no one notices. So who is he then? And what does this all mean? 

This is the part where you tell me what you think. Go on. You know you want to.  


  1. Another thing with the screwdrivers, Shaz stabbed that guy with one. I too am pretty upset about the Shaz and Chris breakup. I spent a fair bit of time swearing at the tv. Which was a bit awkward because I was at Danielle's house.

    Also, Gene Hunt is not occasionally sexy. He is ALWAYS sexy. ALWAYS.

  2. I almost cried when Chris was asking Shaz to the movies in that episode. They were so perfect together! I was watching it with a large number of hanger on. So my emotion was awkward too.

    But WHY is Gene sexy? It should be weird that he is...
