Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This post contains a large number of theories concerning Doctor Who. It therefore contains spoilers.

I have a lot of thoughts about Doctor Who. I have therefore complied a large number of them in one place for your reading pleasure. And so if any of my theories turn out to be right, I can prove I guessed because I put it on the internet. This mainly applies to the last theory.

The Arc Fleet
The Beast Below hinged on the idea that the earth was evacuated sometime during the 29th century because of a giant mutant star goat (or solar flares, whatever).  Starship UK is just one of the arc ships which carried the population to safety. In Asylum of the Daleks, the ship which crashes on the Asylum is called “Alaska”. They make something of a big deal about the ship being called Alaska in fact. What if that’s not just a random name? What if The Alaska is another arc ship? There’s also a line in dinosaurs which mentions a “ship the size of Canada”. Possibly not the Canada you’re thinking of.
Light Bulbs
Every episode so far has featured a flickering light bulb. There was the one in Amy’s dressing room during episode 1, the broken fitting at the Pond’s place in episode 2 and basically every single electric light in episode 3. Plus, The Doctor was finally changing the bulb of the TARDIS in Pond Life #5. You know what other episode have flickering lights in them? The ones with Weeping Angels.

This theory bought to you by my boyfriend and sub-editor who has noticed that all three episodes so far feature a reference to Christmas and thinks that this might mean something. Thus:
The Doctor- "It's Christmas!"
Rory- "I don't have a Christmas list."
The Doctor- "I do!"
The Doctor- "Someone's been peaking at my Christmas list!"
This is clearly foreshadowing Christmas. Or something.

Doctor WHO
The Doctor seems to be slowly erasing himself from existence. Oswin made the daleks forget him and then in Dinosaurs, the computer had no record of his existence. On the one hand, we know that The Doctor has been intentionally trying to lie low also we're not entirely sure how much of the universe thinks he's dead following Silencio. But what if there’s more to it than that? We still don’t really know what happened with the cracks. Silence hasn’t fallen yet. And we know that that cracks in the skin of the universe suck things from existence. Given that The Doctor's identity is looking like the whole point of next year, it's pretty interesting that he's losing his.

Make them remember you
When they're in the Parliament of the Daleks, The Doctor turns to Amy and says "make them remember you". This line is almost totally without context. At the end of the episode, Oswin breaks the forth wall to implore us to "remember".  The Silence make us forget. The cracks made Amy forget Rory. The alternate universe made Rory forget Amy. There's an awful lot of forgetting going on. But what is it that we need to REMEMBER?

Time skip
There’s a lot of time gaps in the last few seasons. There’s the time between A Christmas Carol and the start of season 6. There’s the gap between River poisoning The Doctor in Let’s Kill Hitler and him emerging from the TARDIS in a tux. Not to mention the multitude of gaps in series 7.  The Doctor has aged several hundreds years in the last two seasons (according to him anyway). Either this is simply Moffat correcting the fact that The Doctor didn't actually age at all during the Davies era or he's keeping some secrets from us (and from the Ponds).

Never let him see you age
So I’m pretty sure someone in a promo somewhere said to Amy “Never let him see you age.” In fact I’m pretty damn sure it was River. Now apparently I imagined this and no one ever actually said that in a promo in which case I am just physic. Every episode so far has featured something about the Ponds getting older. It’s mostly just Amy flat out saying she is old. The Doctor clearly doesn’t like this. He doesn’t like to see their mortality. This is clearly foreshadowing. Or just shadowing.
(If you remember someone saying this in ANY trailer please get in touch because all my friends think I'm crazy).

Just this once everybody lives!
I am pretty sure that the Ponds are not going to die. The reason for this is simple and it is this- Steven Moffat’s entire career thus far. Moffat has never killed anymore. Not a main character. And even the people he does kill, die in remarkably humane ways. I don’t think he’ll kill Amy or Rory. The current theory is that both of them will be sent back in time by the angels. We already know that an incarnation of River was living in New York in the 60s. Them being sent back in time would be zarking TRAGIC but in a happy/sad sort of way because they’d get to raise their child.

The rest of our lives
Having said that, I’m a little concerned by the parallels which seem to be emerging between Doctor Who and Press Gang. The ‘rest of our lives’ line is still haunting me. I can’t help thinking there’s an undertone of dreams in this series. And dreams always lead my mind to… I can’t say anything about Press Gang for those who are still watching it (or haven’t yet) but for those who’ve seen the end… yeah. I’m worried he might do that again.

The Dreamlord
There’s actually a prequel to Aslyum of the Daleks. You might not have seen it because hasn’t really been advertised. Which is weird. What’s even weirder is that, unlike pretty much every mini-episode ever, it isn’t all jolly and whimsical. This doesn’t feel like a throw away extra. It feels big. Somehow the fact that this is a dream message seems ominous. I still think that The Dreamlord (from Amy’s Choice) was passed over a little too quickly. Not that I think he’s coming back, but the idea that the person who hates The Doctor most is actually The Doctor himself is such a powerful idea. I wonder too whether that might link The God Complex and The Doctor’s greatest fear. When he opens that door he says “of course it would be you”. What if his greatest fear is actually himself?

And then he woke up, and it was all a dream
All of which leads us rather nicely to my BIG theory!
The Doctor is actually a Dalek who dreams of a normal humanoid life. His entire existence to date has been the pathetic delusions of a deranged mind. The reason he’s constantly fighting the Daleks is because, like Oswin, he’s battling his Dalek subconsciousness. The reason he can never beat the Daleks despite trying REALLY REALLY hard is that he can never truly defeat his true nature. Plus whenever he dies in his imaginary adventures he just comes back as a different guy because THIS IS MY DREAM AND I DO WHAT I WANT. Asylum of the Daleks is foreshadowing the fiftieth anniversary when it turns out the answer to the ultimate questions (Doctor WHO?) is actually DALEK.


  1. IIRC he has been scanned in Classic Who, and there were no results

  2. my theory: that the Doctor has already experienced the Ponds' departure/episode 5 and episodes 1-4 are him hanging out with them for a bit because he can't let go. Final hoorahs. I am almost convinced he's going backwards in time. So chronologically the last adventure is episode 1. Tragic, I know. But I can't stop thinking about it. Amy and Rory seem to be getting a little happier with each episode, but if my theory is correct they are actually getting a little unhappier, leading to their resolution in ep 1.

    1. my reBUTTal (haha butt); posed as in the context of the email I sent Lex when doing this blog:

      P.S. a lot of speculation on Tumblrland is about the time jump in that The Doctor has already experienced Amy & Rory's "deaths" and now he is going back in their time stream just to be with them, catch up with them. But I think this is wrong because The Doctor isn't the one who brings Amy & Rory to the Asylum (its the Daleks) which is the first of the season and if we're going for this theory, the first time the Doctor has seen the A&R post-Manhattan. But he isn't surprised at all when he sees them, because he HASN'T experienced their deaths yet. And he isn't particularly ever sad when greeting them/stealing them away for adventures so I think that theory is pretty debunked because none of it lines up.

    2. no, no. In my theory, it goes (for the ponds) Town called Mercy, Dinosaurs, Asylum. So he sees them in the asylum after Dinosaurs. That's what I think anyway.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. If the Doctor turns out to be a Dalek I think my head would explode. XD

    Anyhoo, interesting post. :)
